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Austria Balanza Comercial
Último Lanzamiento
ene. 31, 2022
Unidades En
EUR Million
Próximo Lanzamiento
feb. 07, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
28Días 8 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
581 nov. 2014 | -1,775 jun. 2021 | -301.15 EUR Million | 1953-2022 | Statistics Austria |
La balanza comercial (BC) se refiere a la diferencia entre el valor monetario de las importaciones y exportaciones de un país durante un período de tiempo determinado. Una balanza comercial positiva indica un superávit comercial, mientras que una balanza comercial negativa indica un déficit comercial. La balanza comercial es un componente importante para determinar la cuenta corriente de un país.
Últimas Actualizaciones
Austria posted a trade deficit of EUR 0.1 billion in October 2024, reversing from a EUR 0.82 billion surplus in the same month last year, as exports fell while imports increased. Year-on-year, exports dropped by 2% to EUR 17.32 billion, dragged down by lower sales for machinery & vehicles, processed goods, chemical products and other manufactured goods. Exports declined from EU countries (-4.2%), while it rose for non-EU countries (2.6%). Meanwhile, imports advanced by 2.9% to EUR 17.41 billion, driven by increased purchases for other manufactured goods and processed goods. Imports climbed to both EU (1.1%) and non-EU countries (6.5%). Considering the January to October period, the country posted a trade surplus of 3.57 billion, as imports (-8.3%) decreased faster than exports (-3.8%).
Historia de Balanza Comercial en Austria
Últimas lecturas en 12