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Estados Unidos Tasa De Inflación
Último Lanzamiento
dic. 31, 2024
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
feb. 12, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
26Días 15 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
23.7 jun. 1920 | -15.8 jun. 1921 | 3.3 % | 1914-2024 | U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics |
La tasa de inflación mide el aumento o disminución general de los precios que los consumidores pagan por una cesta de bienes estándar.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The annual inflation rate in the US rose for a 3rd consecutive month to 2.9% in December 2024 from 2.7% in November, in line with market expectations. This year-end rise is partly driven by low base effects from last year, particularly for energy. Energy costs declined much less (-0.5% vs -3.2% in November), mainly due to gasoline (-3.4% vs -8.1%), fuel oil (-13.1% vs -19.5%) and natural gas (4.9% vs 1.8%). Also, inflation accelerated for food (2.5% vs 2.4%) and transportation (7.3% vs 7.1%) and prices fell less for new vehicles (-0.4% vs -0.7%). On the other hand, inflation slowed for shelter (4.6%, the lowest since January 2022, vs 4.7%) and prices continued to decline for used cars and trucks (-3.3% vs -3.4%). On a monthly basis, the CPI rose by 0.4%, the most since March, and above forecasts of 0.3%. The index for energy rose 2.6%, accounting for over 40% of the monthly increase, mainly due to gasoline (4.4%). Also, food prices went up 0.3% and shelter also edged up 0.3%.
Historia de Tasa De Inflación en Estados Unidos
Últimas lecturas en 12