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Estados Unidos Confianza Del Consumidor
Último Lanzamiento
ene. 31, 2025
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
ene. 24, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
13Días 14 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
111.4 ene. 2000 | 50 jun. 2022 | 85.21 Points | 1952-2025 | University of Michigan |
El Indicador de Confianza Económica del Consumidor mide el nivel de optimismo que muestran los consumidores sobre la economía. Las preguntas se centran en la situación económica y financiera actual, la intención de ahorro y la evolución esperada en relación con los índices de precios al consumidor, la situación económica general y las compras de bienes duraderos principales.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The University of Michigan consumer sentiment for the US fell to 73.2 in January 2025 from 74 in December which was the highest in eight months, and below forecasts of 73.8, preliminary estimates showed. The expectations subindex dropped to 70.2 from 73.3 while the current conditions gauge increased to 73.2 from 74. January’s divergence in views of the present and the future reflects easing concerns over the current cost of living this month, but surging worries over the future path of inflation. Meanwhile, year-ahead inflation expectations soared to 3.3%, the highest in eight months, from 2.8% in December and long-run inflation expectations also rose to 3.3% from 3%. This is only the third time in the last four years that long-run expectations have exhibited such a large one-month change.
Historia de Confianza Del Consumidor en Estados Unidos
Últimas lecturas en 12