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Estados Unidos Venta Al Por Menor (Mensual)
Último Lanzamiento
dic. 31, 2024
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
feb. 14, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
27Días 16 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
18.2 may. 2020 | -14.7 abr. 2020 | 0.4 % | 1992-2024 | U.S. Census Bureau |
El informe de ventas minoristas ofrece una medida agregada de las ventas de bienes y servicios minoristas durante un período de tiempo dado. Las ventas minoristas son estacionales, volátiles y relativamente importantes para la economía general.
Últimas Actualizaciones
Retail sales in the US increased 0.4% month-over-month in December 2024, the least in four months, compared to an upwardly revised 0.8% rise in November and below forecasts of 0.6%. Despite the slowdown, the figures continue to point to a robust consumer spending. Biggest increases were seen in sales at miscellaneous store retailers (4.3%); sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, & books (2.6%); and furniture (2.3%). Other increases were also seen in sales at gasoline stations (1.5%); clothing (1.5%); food & beverage stores (0.8%); motor vehicle & parts dealers (0.7%); general merchandise stores (0.3%); and nonstore retailers (0.2%). In contrast, sales declined at building material & garden equipment & supplies dealers (-2%); food services & drinking places (-0.3%); and health & personal care stores (-0.2%). Meanwhile, sales excluding food services, auto dealers, building materials stores and gasoline stations, which are used to calculate GDP, rose 0.7%, the most in three months.
Historia de Venta Al Por Menor (Mensual) en Estados Unidos
Últimas lecturas en 12