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Zona Euro Agregado monetario M3
Último Lanzamiento
nov. 30, 2024
Unidades En
EUR Million
Próximo Lanzamiento
ene. 29, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
25Días 8 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
16,681,871 nov. 2024 | 1,097,404 ene. 1980 | 6,807,422.59 EUR Million | 1980-2024 | European Central Bank |
La Masa Monetaria M2 incluye M1 más los depósitos a corto plazo en los bancos.
Últimas Actualizaciones
M3 money supply in the Euro Area rose by 3.8% from a year earlier in November 2024, up from 3.4% in October and exceeding forecasts of 3.5%. This marked the highest increase since November 2022 (4.6%). Among the components, the annual growth rate of the narrower aggregate M1, which comprises currency in circulation and overnight deposits, increased to 1.5% in November from 0.2% in October. Meanwhile, the annual growth rate of short-term deposits (excluding overnight deposits) slowed to 6.1% from 7.3% in October, while the growth of marketable instruments dropped to 17.0% from 20.1%. Regarding the holding sectors, deposits placed by households increased to 3.5% in November from 3.2% in October, while the annual growth rate of deposits placed by non-financial corporations increased to 2.2% in November from 1.7% in October. Lastly, deposits placed by non-monetary financial corporations which exclude insurance corporations and pension funds fell to 8.0% in November from 8.8% in October.
Historia de Agregado monetario M3 en Zona Euro
Últimas lecturas en 12