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Mongolia Balanza Comercial
Último Lanzamiento
dic. 31, 2024
Unidades En
USD Million
Próximo Lanzamiento
feb. 17, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
30Días 6 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
776.1 mar. 2023 | -369.8 jul. 2012 | 55.11 USD Million | 1997-2024 | National Statistical Office of Mongolia |
La balanza comercial (BC) se refiere a la diferencia entre el valor monetario de las importaciones y exportaciones de un país durante un período de tiempo determinado. Una balanza comercial positiva indica un superávit comercial, mientras que una balanza comercial negativa indica un déficit comercial. La balanza comercial es un componente importante para determinar la cuenta corriente de un país.
Últimas Actualizaciones
Mongolia’s trade surplus narrowed sharply to USD 159.3 million in December 2024 from USD 497.4 million in the same month a year ago. This was the smallest trade surplus since September, as exports fell by 13.7% while imports rose by 17.2%. For 2024, the trade surplus narrowed to USD 4,170.9 million from USD 5,936.6 million last year. Exports grew at a softer 3.9% year-on-year to USD 15,783.4 million, as increases in sales of mineral products (4.7%) and natural/cultured stones, precious metal (19.7%) were offset by sharp declines in sales of vegetable origin products (-54.6%) and food (-34.5%). China (91.4%) accounted for the largest share of total exports, followed by Switzerland (4.7%) and the US (1.1%). Meanwhile, imports jumped by 25.5% to USD 11,612.5 million, mainly influenced by imports of transport vehicles & their spare parts (44.7%) and machinery, equipment & electric appliances (43.3%). The majority of imports came from China (40.2%), Russia (24.3%), and Japan (10.1%).
Historia de Balanza Comercial en Mongolia
Últimas lecturas en 12