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Estados Unidos Resultado fiscal en términos nominales
Último Lanzamiento
nov. 30, 2024
Unidades En
USD Million
Próximo Lanzamiento
ene. 13, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
1Meses 0 Días 18 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
308,000 abr. 2022 | -864,074 jun. 2020 | -30,701.15 USD Million | 1954-2024 | N/A |
El balance presupuestario del gobierno es la diferencia entre los ingresos y los gastos del país. Un superávit presupuestario se expresa como un valor positivo. Un déficit presupuestario se expresa como un valor negativo.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The US government reported a $367 billion budget deficit for November 2024, marking a 17% increase from the prior year, driven in part by calendar adjustments that shifted December Medicare and Social Security payments into November, adding approximately $80 billion to outlays. Excluding these adjustments, the deficit would have been about $29 billion, 9% lower than a year ago. Both receipts and outlays reached record highs for November, with receipts rising 10% to $302 billion and outlays increasing 14% to $669 billion. For the first two months of the 2025 fiscal year, which began on October 1, the cumulative deficit hit a record $624 billion, up 64% from the same period last year, surpassing even the COVID-19-era deficits. This surge was further influenced by tax payment deferrals expiring in 2023 due to California wildfires and other disasters. Year-to-date receipts declined 7% to $629 billion, while outlays rose 18% to $1.253 trillion.
Historia de Resultado fiscal en términos nominales en Estados Unidos
Últimas lecturas en 12