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República Checa Confianza Del Consumidor
Último Lanzamiento
ene. 31, 2025
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
feb. 21, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
24Días 10 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
117.5 mar. 2018 | 69.2 may. 1999 | 96.54 Points | 1998-2025 | Czech Statistical Office |
El Indicador de Confianza Económica del Consumidor mide el nivel de optimismo que muestran los consumidores sobre la economía. Las preguntas se centran en la situación económica y financiera actual, la intención de ahorro y la evolución esperada en relación con los índices de precios al consumidor, la situación económica general y las compras de bienes duraderos principales.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The consumer confidence indicator in the Czech Republic declined to 97.1 in January 2025, marking the lowest reading since January 2023, down from an upwardly revised 100.5 in the previous month. The number of consumers expecting the overall economic situation in the Czech Republic to deteriorate over the next twelve months rose slightly for the second consecutive month. Additionally, the share of households expecting their financial situation to deteriorate over the next twelve months was slightly higher and those assessing their current financial situation as worse than in the previous twelve months increased further. Meanwhile, the proportion of consumers who believe that the current period is not conducive to making large purchases remained almost unchanged.
Historia de Confianza Del Consumidor en República Checa
Últimas lecturas en 12