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Kenia PIB - Tasa de crecimiento anual
Último Lanzamiento
dic. 31, 2023
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
may. 20, 2025
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
4Meses 9 Días 10 Horas
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
10.1 jun. 2021 | -4.7 jun. 2020 | 4.78 % | 2004-2023 | Kenya National Bureau of Statistics |
La Tasa de Crecimiento Anualizada del PIB (valor de mercado de todos los bienes y servicios finales producidos) muestra el crecimiento del PIB que se registraría si la tasa de cambio intertrimestral se mantuviera durante un año completo.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The economy of Kenya advanced by 4% over a year ago in Q3 2024, following a 4.6% rise in the previous three-month period, marking the slowest growth rate since Q1 2021. This was due to a general slowdown across the various sectors of the economy. Agriculture, contributing over a fifth of GDP, rose by 4.2%, decelerating from 4.8% in the previous period, driven by sugarcane and milk production, which offset a 12.2% decline in tea production. Other economic activities that recorded slower growth were manufacturing, accommodation services, utilities, ICT, professional and administration services, financial and insurance services, and real estate. Additionally, output contracted for mining & quarrying (-11.1% vs -2.7%) and construction (-2% vs -2.9%).
Historia de PIB - Tasa de crecimiento anual en Kenia
Últimas lecturas en 12